Double RainbowTage

Hey everyone,

Recently I have been totally obsessed with the Double Rainbow song, its just amazing! (If you haven’t seen/heard it then shame on you!)

I have seen some great montages on YouTube and though up the idea of a RainbowTage!

Having made this I found a really nice Acoustic version of Double Rainbow and this really swee streak on Fuel so I made a RainbowStreak

Please do head over and thumb up the vids and Subscribe.

Double Rainbow Song by The Gregory Brothers…

Original Double Rainbow Video with YosemiteBear…

Please also check out the Double Rainbow Acoustic Cover by Vektor…

Flawless on Carnival

Hey guys,

I know I said I would probably take a break from vids for a bit but I recorded this one and it really had to be uploaded!

I have never gone flawless before and I have never got an 11 Streak Chopper Gunner (Although I have had a few 14 streaks it’s never been with Cho-Go turned on)

I have recently been getting a little bored of the game so I decided to setup a hinderance class, I thought the UMP was a nice close weapon so why not strap a Thermal scope onto it. Think is it actually worked out quite well as you can see from this Free-For-All on Carnival.

Sadly one of the other players was very good so he won the game before I got a chance with the Cho-Go, It proves I can do it though so I’m on the way to a nuke.

Please do Thumb up the video if you like it and Subscribe to my channel.

Thanks guys


DoneyKebab You Can Shoot The Rock Free For All On Fuel Gameplay & Commentary HD

Hey guys this is a quick Free-For-All I recorded the other day.

When you see Fuel come up you just know someone is going to head to the rock!

I was right!

As you can see your not invinsible in the rock! I can kill you 😉

Have you been in a game with people in the rock? Do you know how to get in the rock? Could you show me. I wanna see what its all about?



First Commentary

Hello everyone,

I have finally got round to uploading my first Modern Warfare 2 Commentary.
This was me playing online having not played in quite a while, We had some boosters in the lobby but I thought it may still be worth recording just to see what happened.

I actually managed a decent (by my standards) score here so I thought it would be worth sharing.

Please do check it out and let me know what you think (Not too harsh)

There are a few things I need to improve on for next time but its a start 😀


Hello everyone,

I have just got myself a Hauppauge HDPVR so I will be uploading some gameplay footage soon.

Please head over to my YouTube channel and take a gander.

I will also be uploading some updated class setups videos for you guys.

Hacked Lobby

Hacked Lobby

I had a day off on tuesday and I decided I should probably play some Modern Warfare 2.

I started off playing arround with Assault Class 01 in Free-For-All and as mentioned I swapped the G18s for the SPAZ-12 and did some damage with that! (Particularly to boosters)

After meeting a few other KEN followers I managed to wangle an invite into a ‘hacked lobby’

This was great fun. I’m not sure how it was done (and I was pretty sure you only got hacked/glitched lobbies on XBox) but it was great!

You really need commando pro on for this though! – I used my Rush class

Basically we were just running around super-fast in a private match! We went on Afgan and round the back there is a spot when you can run up the steps and do a massive jump. We played on this for ages and ended up trying to do 360 quickscopes etc.

We also loaded up storm and I found a really nice set of steps in one corner where you could launch across 1/2 the map. Sadly I have no footage of this though (I really need a HDPVR!)

I managed to get some video of Afgan on my phone. You can view it below.

Please leave me a comment if you have ever been in a lobby like this or anything else fun!

Custom Classes

Custom Classes

I was recently asked by a friend what perks and weapons I would recommend for use in Modern Warfare 2.

Having explained my prefered class setups over and over again till I was blue in the face I decided to knock up an example for him. This then got me onto the idea of making up images to represent all my classes I am currently using. I always wanted information like this when I was starting out, I just didn’t manage to find it. Hence the birth of this blog.

I am not saying these are the best classes to use but this is what I use and it tends to get me quite good results. I recently prestige’d so I wanted to try some different guns this time around (I used the FAMAS, SCAR-H and ACR last time around, they are all excellent guns too)

My good friend DTB1996 Is currently attempting a Sniper Only Prestige, I wish him luck! I did that to about rank 20 (Hence the two sniper classes) but I missed running around stabbing people!

As you can see I choose to use the Stun grenade over the flash-bangs. I find when you flash – someone they tend to dive on the ground and become quite hard to kill, with a stun it just slows the enemy allowing you to shoot them. (it’s also not so bad if you stun yourself by accident)

I hope you find this useful, If you would like to know the Kill-streaks I use please leave a comment below.

A big thanks to Modern Warfare 247 for the images.

Rush Class

Disclaimer: The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use this images elsewhere please message me first.

Sniper Class 01

Disclaimer: The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use this images elsewhere please message me first.

Sniper Class 02

Disclaimer: The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use this images elsewhere please message me first.

Shoot Down Class

Disclaimer: The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use this images elsewhere please message me first.

Having played with my Assault 01 class a lot recently I have swapped my secondary to the SPAZ-12 – I have been using the USP. 45’s a lot recently and am finding them better than the G18s. I also fancied shooting some Foolz with a shotgun! I also only recently unlocked my Claymores.. Man I love them!

Assault Class 01

Disclaimer: The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use this images elsewhere please message me first.

Having checked my class setups on the PS3 again I have actually been using the AA-12 for Assault 02 recently as I keep getting killed with. I wanted some Payback – The Spaz-12 is still my favourite shotgun though so I expect I will switch back to it soon.

Assault Class 02

Disclaimer: The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use this images elsewhere please message me first.

I hope you find this useful, If you would like to know the Kill-streaks I use please leave a comment below.

Favourite map

Whats Your favourite Map

Now I have updated the blog with all the routes and maps I was wondering what original map is people favourite?

I personally like SubBase – By my I think my real favourite is Storm from the stimulus package. I managed to win a free-for-all on it the other day with just my tactical knife (Well I probably shot about 3 people as I got bored of chasing them around.) I’m quite proud of myself as I managed to get a 7 kill-streak with the knife at one point 😀

Incidentally I will be adding my routes on these maps as soon as I find some suitable base-images online.




I have recently been playing this level with a different tactic, I have been trying to sneak round the edges and snipe people.. I’m not really very good at it though.

I always used to run the yellow route with my shotgun and pistol, I sometimes get bored of trying to snipe and run into the bunker.

Disclaimer: I created these routes to help me learn the maps and get killed less. The base images are used with the full knowledge and permission of If you would like to use these maps elsewhere please message me first.



I have always liked this level, I used to play it a lot on free-for-all when I first got mw2.

As you can see I tend to loop around the left hand side keeping away from the long grass on the right. I also like to venture into the trailer in the middle every now and again.

it's not the case anymore. (I tend to get the rage nowadays and keep getting killed by the same person) As you can see I like to stay out fo the central section, again far to many lines of sight into it. There are some very nice and easily defendable spots to drop care-packages.